101 Ways to Prevent Violence

  1. Respect Others
  2. Think before you speak or act
  3.  Solve all arguments peacefully
  4. Count to ten
  5.  Don’t be a bully
  6.  Avoid bullies
  7. Be nice
  8. Talk, don’t hit
  9. Tell an adult if someone is violent
  10. Learn to compromise
  11.  No put downs
  12.  Stay away from drugs
  13.  Never touch a gun
  14. Report any weapons you find
  15.  Don’t do bad things just because others do
  16.  Know emergency numbers in your community
  17. Learn to say how you feel
  18. Value other cultures
  19. Don’t say mean things about others
  20.  Don’t play violent video games
  21. Get enough sleep so you aren’t grouchy
  22. If counting to ten doesn’t help, count to twenty
  23.  Don’t join a gang
  24. Try ten deep breaths to calm down
  25.  Avoid violent people
  26.  Be a good listener
  27. Practice what to do in urgent situations
  28.  Avoid watching violent TV shows
  29.  Be polite
  30. Choose non-violent friends
  31. Volunteer
  32.  Don’t go anywhere with someone you don’t know and trust
  33.  Follow good role models
  34.  Use safe routes wherever you go
  35. Report crimes or suspected crimes
  36. Don’t go anywhere alone
  37.  If someone tries to abuse you, get away fast and tell a trusted adult
  38.  Become a peace maker
  39.  Be willing to forgive
  40. Say “I’m sorry” when you are wrong
  41.  Share with others
  42. Leave situations that make you uneasy
  43.  Honor your parents
  44. Remember it is okay to say “No”
  45. Ask for help if needed
  46. Be a good sport
  47.  Be trustworthy
  48.  Do good deeds
  49. Tell the truth
  50. Learn to accept yourself
  51.  Be kind
  52. Return anything you find
  53. Give compliments often
  54.  Keep promises
  55. Make anti-violence posters
  56. Don’t hang around kids who use drugs
  57.  If counting to 20 doesn’t help, count to 50
  58.  Don’t tease others
  59.  Be a good friend
  60. Treat people fairly
  61. Be kind to animals
  62. Obey the law
  63. Cooperate
  64.  Walk away from any trouble
  65. Don’t call others names
  66.  Shake hands and make up
  67. Don’t open the door to anyone you don’t know or trust
  68.  Think positively
  69.  Join marches for peace
  70.  Don’t skip school
  71. Avoid dangerous places
  72. If you can’t solve a problem with someone, let a peacemaker help you work things out
  73. Give credit where due
  74. Don’t pick fights
  75.  Say no to violent movies
  76.  Accept responsibilities
  77. Do what makes you proud
  78. Join a team or club
  79. Avoid violent Internet sites
  80. Think about what got you mad so you can avoid it next time
  81.  Never carry a weapon
  82.  Set positive goals
  83. Put yourself in the other person’s place
  84.  Enjoy the differences in people
  85.  Don’t be a show off
  86. Cool down by doing something you enjoy
  87. Give a little….. or a lot
  88.  Share your feelings with your parents
  89. Get counseling if needed to control anger
  90. Report anyone who threatens violence
  91.  Be the best you can be
  92.  Think out your choices carefully
  93. Take pride in the safe choices you make
  94.  Follow rules
  95. Talk out your anger with people you trust
  96. Look for the beauty in life
  97. If counting to 50 doesn’t help, count to 100
  98. Encourage everyone to help prevent violence
  99.  Respect yourself
  100. Remember: we can only do our part for a peaceful world
  101. Peace starts with YOU and ME
About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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