Christian Living

Nothing or Anything

by Micah Messer Remember learning to ride your bike by yourself? You were one proud kid, but you couldn’t have done it without your parents. Remember making your first paycheck? You couldn’t have done it […]

Christian Living

The Names Of God

by Trisha Bridges Smith FATHER a faithful God who does no wrong, a forgiving God, a fortress of Salvation, a glorious crown, a jealous and avenging God, a Master in heaven, a refuge for his […]

Christian Living


by Brittany Jeremiah 19:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart. I’m praying for the day when I ignite (spark) something in my school and cause […]

Christian Living

Test Taking Skills

By Jeramy Jennings Back to school… What does that mean other than all the homework and tests. Some of us may get the “Test-Taking Jitters,” while others have tests ranking high on our list of […]

Interviews - Music

Rick Heil

Lead Singer of Sonicflood T4JYM: What kinds of relationship do you all have with one another? Are you one big happy family? 🙂 Rick: We really like each other a ton and we love […]

Christian Living

Give Thanks

by Trisha Bridges Smith School work, dances, football games, volleyball games, band practice, school clubs, spirit week, homework….. Wait. Where is God in all of this?  Have you stopped lately and just thanked God for […]