Prayer Examples

Prayer by Saint Ignatius

*Note: This prayer is in Latin. English translation has been placed in parenthesis underneath the original. Anima Christi (Soul of Christ) Anima Christi, sanctifica me. (Soul of Christ, sanctify me.) Corpus Christi, salve me. (Body […]

Prayer Examples

Prayer by Carlo Carretto

O High and glorious God, enlighten my heart. Give me unwavering faith, sure hope, and perfect love. Give me deep humility, wisdom and knowledge, that I may keep your commandments. Amen

Prayer Examples

A Prayer by John Bunyan

“Lord, I have heard that thou art a merciful God, and hast ordained that thy Son Jesus Christ should be the Savior of the world; and moreover, that thou art willing to bestow him upon […]

Prayer Examples

Prayer by William Barclay

O God, you are the fountain of all truth; we ask you to protect your church from all false teaching. Protect the Church from all teaching and preaching which would destroy men’s faith; from all […]

Prayer Examples

Alphabet Prayer

Although things are not perfect Because of trial or pain Continue in thanksgiving Do not begin to blame Even when the times are hard Fierce winds are bound to blow God is forever able Hold […]


Prayer Is More Than

The average person thinks that prayer means kneeling down and saying a few perfunctory words. But prayer is more than that: It is one of the greatest skills in the world. Prayer is a mechanism […]


Prayer Journal

A prayer journal is a diary of our conversations with God. Many great leaders have kept some kind of prayer journal, including Moses. Exodus 24:3-4 When Moses went and told the people all the LORD’s […]