Hebrews 10:35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
Hebrews 10:34 begins with “You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.” Then we come to today’s verse and our confidence.
Let’s pause and define confidence first. Confidence, in the Bible, is a firm belief or trust in God and His promises. Confidence in the Lord is what gives us assurance. It is how and why we can be bold.
The writer of Hebrews points out that suffering is going to happen to us, like it or not. We are going to face persecution, trials, and suffering (John 15:18-20). But this is not a bad thing. Though it is hard to face and can be difficult to endure, we are taking a stand in our faith and showing the world Christ in us. We are confident in our faith, our Lord, and His promises. The author goes on to tell us not to throw that away. Don’t set it aside. Be encouraged as you stand boldly, knowing that your faith will be richly rewarded. Persevere. Keep going. Stand firm. And have joy in the promised reward – what awaits us in heaven is far more valuable than anything we have here on earth.
And know that as you stand boldly in your faith and face the persecution and challenges life throws at you, you have endured hardships prior to this and made it through. Let that fill you with confidence.
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