Copyright and Permissions


All contents and materials on Teens4Jesus Ministries are the property of Teens4Jesus and may not be used without written permission. They are original works, unless otherwise noted. No part of any article, resource, or provided materials may be used without express written permission from Teens4Jesus. Those found to be in violation of this copyright will be contacted directly and asked to remove the copyrighted content or required to comply with proper citation in order to continue utilizing the copyrighted information.

If you are seeking permission to use T4J logos, graphics, slogans, articles, interviews, copyrighted designs, or other brand features, please contact us.

Teens4Jesus Ministries
10620 Tivoli Ct
Bakersfield, CA 93311

If you are aware of T4J content that is posted elsewhere without proper citation and return links, please contact T4J immediately and provide as much information as possible, including the non-compliant source.


Permission may be granted to use content from Teens4Jesus upon request. Note: Requesting permission to use content is not guaranteed. If denied, a full response with detailed explanation will be provided.

Please contact the address above to seek permission.

Articles used from other sites or non-T4J authors will always include a link to the original at the beginning of the page as well as a thank you at the end which includes an additional link to the original article. Permission is always sought before an article from an outside source is posted on Teens4Jesus.

If you find that something has been posted without your permission  or you wish to revoke permissions, please contact us and we will address the request immediately.