Mission Statement

The main purposes of Teens4Jesus Youth Ministries are to lead people to Christ and guide them in their Christian walk. Christ commissioned all believers to love God first and foremost (Matthew 22:37) , and then to love others (Matthew 22:39), making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).

We wish to provide a safe haven on the Internet  and a central-grounds for worship and study. Our site is open to any age to view and utilize, though our main focus is on the youth of this world. We have the desire to encourage teens and show them that they CAN make a difference in our world, regardless of age.

The volunteers at Teens4Jesus are here to provide positive leadership and guidance to those who desire to serve the Lord. Our goal is to equip the teens of the world with confidence and the tools necessary to go forth and proclaim the Gospel of Christ.

I Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.”


Teens4Jesus Youth Ministries has set certain goals that we feel God wants us to accomplish through this ministry. The following are the goals set forth:

1. To spread and share the gospel of Christ to the lost on the Internet, by equipping and using Christian teens to tell the “Good News”

2. To provide a place of Christian love and fellowship to non-Christians and Christians through our website and interactive web features.