In the past Teens4Jesus was filed as a 501(c)(3) organization with the IRS, granting us non-profit status as a ministry. With that status, we were able to take donations and issue tax receipts. We operated under the leadership of a Board of Directors and provided our Articles of Incorporation and Board meeting minutes online.

With the closing of the ministry nearly 20 years ago, T4J let the non-profit status drop.

At this time (November 2023) there are no plans to renew our non-profit status, as there is currently not a Board governing decision making, nor a great need for financial support.

But this does not mean T4J will never refile for non-profit status. It is just not something that is currently being planned.

That being said, if you wish to donate to the ministry to support us financially, you do so with full understanding that there will be no tax receipts available and your donation is simply a gift of love, not eligible for tax write off.

To learn more about supporting T4J and current funding needs, click here.