The following positions are currently OPEN and available to volunteer for:


At this time T4J is interviewing potential team leaders to serve on different teams. The role of a team leader is to communicate with team members, monitor work to ensure it meets requirements, answer questions, encourage participation, and guide the team as directed by the Admin Team.

Applying to be a Team Leader (see areas below) does not guarantee placement in that role. Applicants will undergo an interview process and if selected will co-lead with a member of the Admin Team for 1 month. Upon satisfactory completion of the co-leading timeframe, they will then be placed in charge of a team for a 3 month probationary period. Monthly evaluations will be done to ensure they are making satisfactory progress towards completing the probationary period.


REQUIREMENTS: Write articles, Bible Studies, Devotions, etc. that can be posted on the website to teach, disciple, encourage, or guide visitors into a relationship with Christ or to deepen their relationship. All content should be well written, cite sources where necessary, not plagiarized in any way, and be a minimum of 500 words in length. All content is evaluated for consistency, message, and will be edited by the Admin Team and/or team leaders to ensure it is acceptable for publication.

Content Areas:

  • Bible Studies
  • Christian Living
  • Devotions
  • Evangelism
  • Interviews
  • Leadership
  • Missions & Outeach
  • New Believers/ Discipleship
  • Prayer
  • Product Reviews


REQUIREMENTS: Build following, invite people to Like/Follow, encourage people to share/retweet/pin/tag posts, respond to posts and comments, engage users with thoughtful and appropriate discussion, respond to all private messages/dms/etc. quickly and precisely, post provided content, use features such as boomerang/stories/threads/broadcasts, moderate discussion to ensure appropriateness and Christlike behavior. Report to Social Media Team Leader and/or Admin Team.

  • Discord (Public)
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Lordsbook
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Twitter/X
  • YouTube


  • Graphics Designer(s): Creates branded graphics for use on the website, social media, downloadable items, letterhead, business cards, etc.
    REQUIREMENTS – Understanding of graphics design, size, transparency, layers, etc. Photoshop or Illustrator preferred.
  • Photographer/Photo Editor(s): Provides images for use on the website and social media accounts.
    REQUIREMENTS – Must have own camera and knowledge of photography; Understanding of photo editing and touch ups; Understanding of layers, image size, and basic requirements for preparing images for web use vs social media use. Photoshop preferred.
  • Website Editor(s): Uploads content submitted by volunteers in WordPress.
    REQUIREMENTS – Understanding of WordPress and updating pages/posts; Basic HTML; Understanding of plugins, how they are added, customized, etc.; Able to locate free images/stock photos for use in content