Teens4Jesus is committed to protecting your privacy while you use our site. As such, we will not sell or exchange your personal information with any other party for any reason.

Similarly, we will only use information you post about yourself for the area in which it relates. Please note, however, that anything you publish on the Web through Teens4Jesus is available to anyone visiting the site. This is true of anything you choose to make available on the Internet.

Personal information submitted by forms for information, counseling, or giveaways will not be made available to anyone. Only the staff member(s) responsible for that section will have access to the information. No information is ever sold or given out to other parties.

Teens4Jesus requires all children under thirtheen years to have parent permission on file to be granted access to interactive features or to have personal information posted online. Please visit the T4J COPPA Compliance page to learn more about how to submit or revoke permission.

Teens4Jesus is not responsible for any unwanted mail, SPAM, or other items of abuse. If you feel that T4J IS responsible please submit a report through our contact form and the item(s) will be investigated further.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.