Before beginning the application, make sure you have selected at least three (3) possible roles you would be interested in serving in from the Open Positions page.

Additional Agreements:

You agree to the following upon submission:

1. The application process and any discussion related with it will be kept confidential, unless otherwise noted expressly from Teens4Jesus Staff;

2. Additional provisions may be added to this agreement, and they will be communicated with you during the interview process.

3. You are expected to participate and work with any team you are placed on. Communication is a must and is vital to the success of the team. Lack of communication will result in removal from staff.

4. You will install Discord and register an account. You understand Discord is a requirement for communication as a volunteer and not having an account established within 48 hours of your Volunteer Application being approved will result in removal as a volunteer.

5. By submitting this application you understand that all materials, content, graphics, layouts, etc., in essence any work you do for the ministry, becomes the sole property of Teens4Jesus and cannot be claimed as your own. Credit will be given where due, but all work done for the minsitry is done so with full understanding that you release copyright rights.

Our commitment to you:

This information will be kept strictly confidential, we will not distribute any part of this application to anyone with the exception of present Teens4Jesus staff members.

Thank you
The Teens4Jesus Admin Team