Interview with Andrea Baca

of Out of Eden

By: Trisha Bleau Smith

T4JYM: How long have you all been together? And how did the group form?

AB: We’ve been singing together professionally for eight years. We are all sisters and when we were growing up our mom saw the potential in us and would get us to practice and sing in church. Our break came when we sang for Toby from dcTalk and he started Gotee records.

T4JYM: What does your group’s name mean and how did you come up with it?

AB: We were about to go on tour with dcTalk and nobody liked the name we had, so Toby actually came up with the name Out of Eden. We found a scripture in the Bible. It’s in Genesis 2:10 and it says, “A River flows out of Eden to water the garden,” and we knew that was our mission statement: to spread God’s word like a river into the hearts of all who would listen.

T4JYM: What are the group’s goals for the near future or what do you want to accomplish?

AB: We’ve accomplished much in our career, but I think our biggest goal is to go beyond the stage and really have a “hands-on” opportunity to mentor and disciple our fans. We want to be a part of making a lasting difference in their lives, so we are finding ways to be able to talk about real issues with our audience.

T4JYM: If you could meet any one person, who would you meet and why?

AB: I would probably want to meet Destiny’s Child and Jessica Simpson and explain to them that girls look up to them, and as Christians, we need to set a higher standard than the world.

T4JYM: If you had 30 Minutes with God how would you spend them?

AB: On my knees or probably on my face worshipping. For the whole thirty minutes I would be speechless.

T4JYM: Do you all write your own music? If yes, where do you get your ideas from?

AB: Lisa writes most of the songs and for this album we got our ideas from our audience. We went to girls’ homes, youth groups, and youth pastors and asked them what they would want to hear on an album. That’s where most of the topics on this album came from.

T4JYM: What is the biggest thing God had shown you through your music careers?

AB: The most important thing in life or in my career, is to be a part of building the kingdom of God. I could build Out of Eden, but then when I looked back at my life, I would realize that everything I built looked just like me. And that would cause grief because we are all called to “seek first the kingdom of God.”

T4JYM: When you were growing up who or what was your biggest spiritual influence?

AB: My mother. There was not a day that I didn’t see my mother reading the word of God. She was always praying and believing in God to do the impossible. And I saw that God always answered her prayers.

T4JYM: While you are on tour, when do you find time for personal worship?

AB: Usually I read my Bible on the plane or on the bus. But I know that I cannot function unless I’ve read my Bible, so I make it a priority.

T4JYM: While on tour do you spend time worshipping together or having devotions?

AB: Usually we spend time in prayer before the show on single spot dates, and on tour, we try to get together at least every other day to do devotions.

T4JYM: Are there any last comments or bits of advice you would like to give our readers?

AB: Believe that you are here on this earth because God loves you and has a plan for your life. Spend your life getting to know Him better and share what you do know with other people.

About Trisha Smith 1170 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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