Book Review: Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer Family Bible Devotional

Title: Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer
Subtitle: Coloring and Activity Book
Author:  Katy Morgan
Illustrator: Catalina Echeverri
Publisher:  The Good Book Company
Date:  Sept. 2021
Pages: 80
Ages: 5-11 years
ISBN: 9781784986599
Category: Children’s
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Review by: Trisha Smith


This is a beautiful devotional, both in eye appeal (thanks to the design, laoyout, and wonderful illustrations by talented artist Catalina Echeverri), and content. Though designed to accompany the storybook, by the same name, it can easily be used as a standalone devotional. I chose to read the storybook with my seven year old first, followed by the devotional for the next fifteen days, but I could have easily done just the devotional and had just as much of an impact on her learning. It includes a prayer in the beginning of each devotional to help prepare hearts for the day’s message. It is short (just a few sentences) but helps posture the heart to be ready for the next part. Following the prayer is “For Starters” which asks questions or ives a fun activity to help frontload the content. Then comes a short passage of Scriptures followed by questions about what was read. It ends with a closing prayer. Some days have activities they can do or pictures that can be colored. It is all fun, regardless of what activities are included for that day. My daughter has looked forward to each day’s experience, both for the learning experience as well as for the one-on-one quality time with mom. This is a wonderful devotion to use in your family, though I would say second or third grade through fifth grade would benefit from it the most, despite the ages five to eleven estimate in the description.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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