Are You Poor?

By Elaine

Not everybody has a good job, or enough money to meet the needs. Not everybody is healthy or has a dependable car to drive, or even a home of their own. Are you one of these people? Do you live on the edge of poverty, not only physically, but spiritually? I have good news for you, because the Bible has something to say on this subject. Psalm 40:17 says “But I am poor and needy; Yet the Lord thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God.”

There has always been those who have plenty, and those who have hardly anything in this world. Why has God allowed this to happen? I don’t know, it just does. What strikes me the most is that God is more concerned about our spirtual lives, than with our material lives. Your spiritual life is the one that lives on and on, never dying. Its how you choose to live your spiritual life that determinds whether you will be rich or poor. No, don’t throw that rotton tomato at me. You have a choice whether you will be rich or poor in your spiritual life. The richness of your spiritual life affects your attitude about your physical life.

What is the secret of being happy and satisfied while not having much physical posessions or money? The secret is Joy. You see, if you don’t have joy, you won’t be happy whether you are homeless or extremely wealthy. If you can’t see beauty in the smallest of Gods creations or the tiniest blessing in your life, you will never appreciate huge ones. How do you get joy? Its so simple, and it costs you nothing except your time and determination. You have to be willing to walk away from the “poor mentality” that has plagued you. Poor mentality thinking is your choice, and so is joy. Which do you prefer? You can definitely “Have it your way”. All you have to do is ask God to restore joy in your heart, if you have lost it. If you really mean it, before you know it, you will be joyful. Joyful and thankful are related, and if you thank God for the joy, and do this daily, really meaning it, you will be rich indeed.

“On that day you will say, “Praise the Lord! He was angry with me, but now he comforts me. See, God has come to save me! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and song; he is my salvation. Oh, the joy of drinking deeply from the Fountain of Salvation!” Isaiah 12:1-3 (The Book)

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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