The Author of Our Romance

by Rev. Dan

Mary and Joseph had a pure love… Many forget to anticipate that these were two teenagers – poor; segregated, protected, and eager for tomorrow. Joseph, from the line of David and Mary, a teen from Galilee fell in Love, were to be married and their names, from then on in the history books, changed forever. They, like us, were human. Yet they experienced a special touch from God.. These two were chosen to deliver his new message to the people, through his only son: Jesus Christ.

They were two kids who dreamed & prayed of good, and God; never quite knowing how their experience with each other would greatly influence the outcome of that prayer. They were to be united and to be parents. To a King, but not in a Castle – To the Savior of the world; in a manger…

But, why them? There had to be something special about their relationship. In Matthew 1:19 we read about an example of their relationship when Joseph first learns of Mary’s virgin pregnancy, “because Joseph was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, had in mind to divorce her privately {NIV}.” Here we find Joseph to have true respect for Mary, and for her reputation. And, Mary, illustrates an awesome trust from the beginning of their relationship; not only in the Angel’s promise that she would give birth to the “Son of the Most high,” but also that Joseph was “The One,” for her saying, “I am the Lord’s servant, May it be to me as you have said.” {Matthew 1:38 NIV}

Trust and respect are two elements of a relationship that our Lord creates and expects when it comes to true romance.

We cannot forget too, that these two were destined for each other since the beginning of time. The Lord knew these two kids would be chosen to birth the Savior. When we begin to think in terms of a love according to the Word we start to find also that when Jesus Christ unites two people, it is indeed not a “One night stand.”

We cannot forget this crucial relationship between Mary & Joseph when we, as believers, look toward the true author of our romance – Jesus Christ… Why? Because if we are to know God’s ultimate will in our lives, we have to include our love life to him as well. We need to know what true Romance is to the author of romance. A Good way to start is to look at the earliest relationships in the Bible, and the teachings on true unity and romance.

It can be scary… Joshua Harris, in his book, “I kissed dating goodbye” reflected upon the reaction when he began to encourage himself and his friends to turn their love lives over to Christ, and to seek true biblical romance. “My friends looked at me like I was truly crazy,” he recalls.

As examples to other Christian youth today, and as examples to those who have yet to find Christ, we must remember that our first love, beyond a girlfriend, or a boyfriend is Jesus Christ. We must set our eyes and our standards to Him. This means, in part that we must rid ourselves of the typical dating scene around us. “Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord with a pure heart.” {2 Timothy 2:22 NIV}

This is not to say that desiring a boyfriend, girlfriend or a true relationship is “evil” in and of itself. In fact the Lord has created for each of us a special someone, who he is preparing for us each day. But we must learn to be patient and allow God to mold us individually first. The rest comes later. Eric Ludy, in the book he wrote with his now wife, Leslie, “When God Writes Your Love Story,” suggests,

“God created us with a desire for companionship. He designed us to intensely long for intimacy – spiritual, emotional, and yes, even physical. He did not make us this way and provide us with these longings as a form of cruel torture, but as the most perfect gift he could possibly give us. Just as a lover desires to show his adoration to his bride by tenderly presenting her with a delicate and fragrant rose, so has our great Lover gifted us with this delicate and wondrous capacity to give and receive love and passion….. He also wants to teach us how to discover it in all its fullness. So for all of you in this generation who dream of something eternally sweet, God is eagerly waiting for you to jump aboard his ship so that he can play the “sweeter song” just for you.”

A large part of finding true love is to trust that God, the author of romance, knows what he is doing… Luke 9:23 {paraphrase} “Daily you must trust me, surrendering everything; including the blood in your veins and the breath in your lungs, for me to do as I see fit. If you want to join up with me, you must let me lead.”

And we can begin today! Tired of the games, and watching relationships around you crumble? Take heart. Let the Lord work on you first. Let him teach you about true love and the desires of his heart for you. If you are single embrace it, use the time wisely to let Christ mold you and work in your life. He has a desire and a purpose for you solely! Remember, if you are not right in yourself and through Him alone, you will never be right for that “special someone.” Seek purity, and begin to see those around you as brothers and sisters in Christ, not merely “dating material.”

Some ideas:

  • Get in the Word…
  • Seek the author of True Romance…
  • Offer your future love to Jesus Christ…
  • Be patient…
  • Get out of the “NEED” to be in a relationship or to date..
  • Hang out in groups…
  • If you meet someone, seek counsel and guidance from those you respect and from elders…
  • Don’t settle for second best.
  • Remember the important elements to have individually as well as for that special future someone. Remember Josephs respect and desire to protect; and Mary’s faithfulness and trust…
  • Be faithful
About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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