Book Review: BASIC Steps to Godly Fitness

Title: BASIC Steps to Godly Fitness
Subtitle: Strengthening Your Body and Soul in Christ
Author: Laurette Willis
Publisher: Harvest House
Date: April 2005
Pages: 240
ISBN: 0736915656
Category: Health & Wellness, Christian Living
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Review by: Trisha Smith



Body and Soul in Christ. How awesome is that? Devoting our bodies alongside our souls to Christ and being a healthy and happy child of God. This is the book to show you how. So many people are seeking a way to get in shape, an easy and realistic program they can do every day. They turn to things like yoga to strengthen mind and body, unaware of the spiritual aspect involved. It is wonderful to see that there is an author who has created an alternative to yoga, giving us something positive to focus on, using our bodies and getting healthy as a way to praise Him. The daily work outs were great. Ten minutes a day – who can complain about that? A 21-day program… this is truly a remarkable way to get in shape while strengthening your own faith and developing a more meaningful walk. Though this is a great program with great spiritual potential keep in mind that it is simply a program, not a sure-fire weight loss method that is sure to work for you. It is a means of strengthening mind and body in Christ, written in a humorous, personal way that will motivate and encourage you.




About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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