Book Review: How to Be Good in a World Gone Bad

Title: How to Be Good in a World Gone Bad
Subtitle: Living a Life of Christian Virtue
Author: James S. Spiegel
Publisher: Kregel
Date: November 2004
Pages: 224
ISBN: ‎ 0825436958
Category: Spiritual Growth, Christian Living
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Review by: Trisha Smith




We live in a world gone bad. Society inundates us with things that years ago were not acceptable, but which have since become the norm. We need to be reminded again and again what is right and how to live a life that is pleasing to God. And even more so when we see bad happening all around us every day! How to Be Good in a World Gone Bad will give you those reminders. This is a book of virtues, a resource overflowing with support and encouragement for those living in a world gone bad. It covers virtues of love, wit, perseverance, discretion and modesty, and so much more.  Eighteen chapters of virtues alone, plus all the other stuff in a book-like preface, introduction, and conclusion. Footnotes grace nearly every page further explaining points, giving Scripture citations, or listing sources or information and reference. It was not a different book but was also not your typical easy read inspirational book. No reader can dig in without facing conviction at some point or another, so it can rightly be called an investment in your spiritual growth.

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I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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