Interview with Big Daddy Weave

By: Nelson Garcia

T4JYM: How did your band get started, also share a brief testimony of how you guys came to know the Lord.

BDW : It’s really kind of amazing how we all got together and actually how we all seem to have come from very similar backgrounds. We all grew up in Christian homes and in the church and all were involved in the music of our home churches starting out. At some point all of us made the trip and attended or were involved on the campus of the University of Mobile in Mobile, Alabama. I am from Gulf Breeze, Fl and was leading worship at my home church. At the strong suggestion of my pastor at the time, I decided to give the University of Mobile a try. I met our sax player Joe in a music theory class there and we put together a jam. I brought a long my younger brother Jay who plays bass for us and Joe brought his room mate at the time who was a drummer. We had such a great time and it went so well that the school offered to let us open for another local act that was playing at an on campus event. Playing in that band was Jeremy Redmon (who now plays electric guitar for us) and Jeff Jones (who is now our drummer) The event went better than all of us could’ve expected and our name was birthed from that event and the rest of the members were found that night too. In the coming months, we adopted Jeremy and Jeff, and the past four years since have literally been a blur.

T4JYM: What kind of relationship do you all have with one another? & Are you one big happy family?

BDW: We’ll we’re out on the road a lot of the time now so I would say that we have become a family in the truest since of that word. We experience the joy of all firsts as a band together and we also have to deal with our own peeves and each others short comings out on the road as well. We’ve learned to love each other and still be friends at the end of the day no matter what happens.

T4JYM: What is the main focus in your ministry? Teens? The lost? The hurting?

BDW: I would say our mission as a band is to go where ever we are called and when we get there, lift up the name of Christ and offer Him as the only true solution. We want to worship Jesus and invite Him to be present. If He shows up, then that’s when the ministry will happen.

T4JYM: Do you make it a goal to use your music to minister to people?

BDW: Absolutely!

T4JYM: What is the message you are trying to get across with your music?

BDW: I think that what we want people to understand more than anything is that being a Christian is about knowing Jesus as a person verses being about a bunch of rules and regulations or simply attending church on Sunday.

T4JYM: Where do you get ideas for your music?

BDW: The ideas for the music I write come from life. Things I struggle with, blessings I’ve received, lessons learned, etc. From walking out my own relationship with Jesus. And I find that more times than not, they are similar to what other believers are going through too.

T4JYM: What is the biggest thing you have learned from performing and ministering through music?

BDW: That God is the biggest part of the whole equation. We have very little to do with Him showing up and moving. We simply invite Him and give Him what we have. It’s much like the little boy who brought the loaves and fish to Jesus. His offering must have seemed stupid to the rest of the people watching, but Jesus took it and blessed it and broke it and gave it out to feed the people.

T4JYM: Who, aside from Jesus, is or has been the biggest influence in your life?

BDW: My dad. He has been the most incredible example of the Lord to me and my brother Jay.

T4JYM: What is the most inspirational piece of scripture that you have found that applies to your life?

BDW: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.

T4JYM: Please share a short testimony about what God has done during one of your concerts.

BDW: Most recently at a church in Arkansas. There was a boy whose parents had recently received Jesus. They had previously belonged to another faith and this young man had been toying with the idea of Jesus, but dabbling into much darker things as well. That night he told his parents that He finally understood and asked Jesus into his heart.

T4JYM: And finally My last & final question is this: What advice can you give to the youth of our world?

BDW: Don’t rely on your parent’s faith in God or their understanding of eternity. Learn from it but know Jesus yourself. Read His word for yourself. Live for Him yourself.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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