Busy, Busy, Busy!

by Amy Clarke

Read: Matthew 6:25-34; 11:28-30
key verse: Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

Ever have one of those weeks that you just wanted to rip your hair out, or stay in bed, and completely ignore and forget every single task you have because you think it’s too much?

I’m sure everyone has had one of those days, weeks, even months. I defiantly know how it feels. Us students feel this way when mid-terms or finals come around. The work doesn’t seem to stop. Instead, it keeps on coming and we don’t even really have the time to stop and smell the roses. Some of us even loose sleep because of the stress. And by the time we think we got it all worked out, something else is thrown our way, and we feel like there’s no end to the work.

Avoiding times like this is inevitable. As much as we wish we didn’t have to worry about assignments to pass in and tests to take in the run of week, on top of other commitments we have, we’re still gonna come across these times. We all feel like we have so much to do, and yet so little time to do it in. And, as Christians, how do we deal with these stressful times? Do we put aside God and put the tasks that we have to do ahead of Him?

At those stressful times, it’s when Jesus wants us to turn to Him the most. Instead of putting Him in the back round, it’s the time when He should be front and center. After all, we were front and center for Him when He died for us. Jesus will be there to help you and guide you though the hectic times. He can take the burdens we have. Try “unloading” all your worries on Him during those busy times, and then You’ll feel more at peace and ready to tackle what’s to come. Someone once told me “put Christ first and everything else will fall into place.” It even works during our busiest times. Don’t forget about Him, He doesn’t forget about you.

BUSY- Being Under Satan’s Yoke

About Trisha Smith 1127 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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