Bible Studies

Jesus the Dying King

John 19:16-42 By: Alexander Rico The cross, we see this image displayed all over the world.  Mostly around church facilities and hung around people’s necks; however, do we truly know and understand what that symbol […]

Bible Studies

God’s Great Plan

Philemon 1 By: Alexander Rico As we look over this letter of intercession written by Paul the apostle to Philemon, a slave owner to a converted slave, Onesimus; we begin to see an awesome picture […]

Bible Studies


By: Jennifer Jenkins Do you ever wonder about your future? I know I do. I wonder what God has planned for me. Who I’m going to marry? What my occupation is going to be? Where […]

Bible Studies

Forgotten Love

Revelation 2:1-7 By: Alexander Rico “To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, ‘These things say He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven […]

Studies - Women of the Word

Women of the Word: Zipporah

Scripture References: Exodus 2:22, Exodus 4:18-20, Exodus 4:24-26, Exodus 18:1-6, Numbers 12:1 (possible reference) Name meaning: a little bird or sparrow Introduction: The wives of the men in the Bible are rarely mentioned, and even […]