Challenges and Excuses to Reject Christ

By:  Trisha Bleau Smith

Oftentimes when we are sharing our faith and sometimes even when we are just talking with others we find ourselves challenged by those who hold a different view. It can be a very uncomfortable situation, one nobody is interested in going through.

So how do you respond when you find your faith or beliefs being challenged? Unfortunately our response to these challenges can be the deciding factor for many non believers as to whether they accept what you have to say or reject it. No pressure, right?

Hopefully this article can help you to find some comfort in standing firm in the face of a challenge so that souls can be won. The remainder of this article is a list of tips and suggestions for responding to various types of comments and challenges.

  • Honesty – Be honest when you are sharing. If you don’t know the answer to a question tell them that. But be sure to let them know you will get back to them with an answer.
  • Hypocricy – Many nonbelievers will challenge you with the fact that Christians are hypocrites. They talk about what liars they are, living one way but preaching another. Remember you can only speak for yourself. Remind them of this fact, that you are striving to live for God but you are human and not perfect. Besides, what better place for a hypocrite than in a place where God can meet them? (Church)
  • Controversy – Many people will pick on the controversies individuals in church leadership positions may be facing. They complain about these people and their followers, stereotyping you to be just like them. Remember to respond in a loving manner. We are not there to judge these people in controversial positions, but we don’t have to excuse or defend them before others. Once again all we can do is point out that all are sinners and undeserving of grace. Don’t bash these people and gossip. Return to the focus – Jesus and what He did.
  • Brainwashing – You are bound to hear it soon if you haven’t heard it already. Christians are considered to be brainwashed sheep with no mind of their own to think with. The best response for this challenge is to explain that you were free to make the choice for yourself just as they are doing at that time. Present the facts and leave it in God’s hands. Explore a little of what others believe so that you can better understand their position.
  • Doctrinal Division – The reason we have so many churches and so many denominations is because people disagree on what God’s Word says. Satan has cleverly divided the Body of Christ by doing this, in an attempt to weaken us. Nonbelievers challenge believers with which denomination is “right?” They then try to reject religion entirely. The best response for this is to remind them that we are but human and make mistakes. But with prayer and study God’s Truths will be revealed.
  • Rejection – Sadly our church has become extremely judgemental. Instead of loving our brothers and sisters and helping them to overcome their sins we have instead forced them out and rejected them. This is a very loud testimony to the world and one that keeps many people from accepting Christ. We need to remind these people that fear rejection from the church that God loves us regardless and will always love us no matter what the church does. We can only speak for ourselves and our own actions, reminding others to do the same.

Have you noticed that there is a theme running through all of this? No matter what they try to distract you with the fact remains that we are all sinners, we all make mistakes, and we can only speak for ourselves. We cannot excuse others and their behaviors, but can only speak for ourselves and our own actions. That is what to remember when sharing because no matter how much they try to change the focus the fact remains that we are all sinners saved by grace and undeserving. Keep Jesus as your focus and let Him do the work when you are sharing.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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