
By: Adrienne Vernon

What is a Christian Character?
Character. What is character? Do I demonstrate a Christian character in my life? There are many questions we ask regarding our character. Webster defines character as “The combination of qualities or traits distinguishing any person or class of persons; moral excellence; a good reputation.”

Let’s stop and think for a moment. When people, look at you, can they tell you’re a Christian? People should be able to distinguish us as Christians by the qualities and traits we display in our lives. But really, what IS a Christian character? It is being like Jesus. He is the only one with a perfect character. He is the one we must look to for an example.

What are Christian character traits?
Read Galatians 5:22,23. The fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) are character traits of a perfect Christian character. If you read through the Gospels, and through the entire Bible, you will discover how God/Jesus displayed these character traits.

How can I get a Christian character?
To truly get a Christian character we must spend to with Jesus. Friends often have a high level of influence on us. We pick up habits and styles from our friends. The more time we spend with them, the more we pick up on each other’s habits. Soon, other people will notice how much we are alike. We may laugh the same, use the same phrases, wear the same types of clothes. The same is true with Jesus. The more time we spend with Him, the more we will pick up on His actions and His character. We will be becoming like Him.

As humans, we don’t have or want good Christian characters by nature. We have a naturally sinful nature. We CANNOT get a Christian character on our own. It is possible, but we need God. (See Philippians 4:13) We must go to God. Read Psalm 25:5-12. God will teach us how to behave like Him.

Why does all this matter?
Why should we care if we have a good character or not? My dad once told me something: You may be the only picture of Jesus some will ever see.

There are many people who observe your actions. If you claim to be a Christian, your actions should be pleasing to Christ. They should serve as a glimpse of Him. If your actions say otherwise, some people may think all Christians behave in some very offensive ways, and as a result, have sour feelings towards all Christians. If you have a Christian character, there will be times you mess up, but you won’t have to worry about the way people view you. People will see Jesus in the way you talk, act, dress, and carry yourself.

How do I keep it?
Satan will try anything possible to get us to stray away from Jesus. By hurting us, he is hurting Jesus. We must cling to Jesus for character maintenance. He is the one we must look to when we’re not sure what to do. Proverbs 3:5,6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Are you having a hard time figuring out if your character is pleasing to Him? Look to Jesus and trust He will show you in His own time.

You must maintain a relationship with Jesus. If you stop hanging out with your friends, you will eventually become distant, have little to talk about, and your interests might even change. So communicate with Him! Prayer, Bible study, and journaling are all excellent ways to do this.

Remember, you can’t introduce yourself to someone and expect to be best friends. You have to spend time together for a relationship to develop. If you develop your relationship with Jesus, you will soon be able to tell Him everything. He accepts you the way you are. He invites us to come to Him. (See Matthew 11:28)

In Conclusion
The character of a Christian should reflect Christ’s character. If you always strive to be like Jesus, you will ultimately have a Christian character and others will see Him in you. Keep trying to be like Him!!!

“Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:4

About Trisha Smith 1159 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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