Characteristics of Cults

Depending on whose list you are looking at, there are numerous traits that characterize a cult.  This isn’t an all inclusive list, and indeed just one of these traits alone can’t definitively determine if a system is a cult.  This is a guide for us to examine, pray over and decide for ourselves.  We are going to use the following to describe a cults characteristics:

  1. Faulty interpretation of the Bible.
  2. They question authority of the Bible.
  3. Salvation by grace is added to “Salvation = Faith + Works”.
  4. Their god or gods are not the God of the Bible.
  5. Doctrinal changes – “progressive revelation” inconsistent with the bible.
  6. Add extra-scriptural writings.
  7. Saying one thing in public, another in private.
  8. Only group God deals with – “remnant”.
  9. Date setting – false prophecies.
  10. Vigorously attacks Christianity.
  11. Concept of Jesus is contrary to truth of Bible.
  12. Head of the organization comes between God and man.
  13. Claim to answer all religious questions.
  14. Division of believers loyalty between church & God.
  15. “Us against the world” attitude.
  16. Eschatology, or the Doctrine of Last Things is overemphasized.
  17. Deny personality of Holy Spirit.
  18. Different view of immortality of soul.
  19. Definitions of human nature & sin different from Bible.

Copyright 1989.The Christian Counter Project
Reproduction permitted only if text is intact, not within the body of any other text, and is not sold for gain or profit.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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