
By Matt Dowdell

In Life we face many choices. Choices that can make or break us. Everything that happens, happens because of a choice that’s made. I hope, no I pray, that when you are done reading this you will understand better how the sometime simple choices you make everyday can effect your life, and the lives of others.

First, I want you to imagine the spiritual battlefield. You have angels and demons in constant war over your soul. In every war there are battles. Battles can turn the war for the better or for the worse, but these battles are effected by the choices you make. When you make good decisions the battle can be helped or even won, but when bad decisions are made battles can be hurt or lost. Which ultimately causes you to sin or be harmed. Sometimes bad decisions can effect others and causing them to sin or be harmed.


One night a friend comes to you and says, “Hey, there’s this awesome party goin’ on and it sounds like it’s gonna be a lot of fun… you wanna go?” You’re not sure at first and in your confusion you ask, “Is there going to be any drinking going on?” Well, your friend, knowing you are a Christian, knew this question was coming and says, “Well, yeah…but you don’t have to drink if you don’t want to, but I’d like you to come just in case I need a ride home.” Now you now your in a tight spot. You don’t want to go but you also don’t want to leave your friend there without a safe ride home. What do you do?

It’s the choice you make here that effects the battle going on for you and even your friend. What do you do? Well, it’s a common situation, and has many possible outcomes. Sadly, there are more negative ones than positive ones. You could choose to just say no, and leave it at that, but look at the effect of what happens. Your friend goes to the party, gets wasted, and is then left with the option of driving drunk or riding with someone who is drunk. Which puts him and everyone else that is on the road at the same time in danger.

How about another option? Say yes, go to the party. Be faced with the temptation of drinking or doing something else. We all know what goes on at High School and College and even adult parties. Not saying you would give in, but no one is perfect.

Then you have your third option. Say no, but talk your friend into doing something else instead, like going to a movie or something that would be safe and keep you both out of trouble.

Obviously your third option would be the best choice, but of course convincing your friend of that choice will probably be a task in itself. In the end it would be easier than having to face and deal with the other two, and their consequences.

This example fulfills it’s purpose in showing how the choices we make effect our lives and the lives of others, and can change the outcome of a battle, and even sometimes change the war for the better. Given, not every choice you make will be as hard or even as easy as this one. All choices are a different challenge and as you walk though life certain small experiences will help you make the big choices later on.

I would also like to say that every choice you make will lead you to another one. You always hear pastors talk about “The Straight and Narrow Road”. If you are a Christian and live for Jesus you are walking that road. So imagine life like this. Whenever you face a decision you are looking at a “y” in the road. The road straight on will lead you to your destination or goal which is Heaven, and the veer off of the main road will lead you to nowhere or hell.

Life is full of crossroads and “y”s”, but Jesus will always be your “Onstar” tracking system, and he’s just the push of a button or prayer away from leading you back to the straight and narrow road.

I know this road is hard. Believe me I know. I walk that road the best I can everyday, but I’m not perfect and I do make mistakes and the wrong decisions but God is always there to help me find my way back to where I need to be. I pray for all of you that your road will be easier than mine. I pray you make the right choices, and you stay on that straight and narrow road.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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