Video Review – Chonda Pierce Have I Got a Story for You!

Title: Chonda Pierce Have I Got a Story for You!
Rating: NR
Date Released: February 2005
Run Time: 36min
Genre: ‎ Comedy
Subtitles: ‎ English
Production/Distribution: Integrity Media/Columbia
Writer: Chonda Pierce, David Pierce
Producer: Stephen Yake
Format: DVD, NTSC, Color

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Review by: Trisha Bleau Smith



The comedy of Chonda Peirce is always a delightful viewing time for me. It is not often that I am given the opportunity to watch a video, much less one that makes me laugh as Chonda Peirce’s videos do. I absolutely loved this video – so much more than the last one I was able to view (Be Afraid…) which I thought to be brilliant. Yet she topped herself with this latest video. She is always a delight – her blend of humor and truth is truly amazing. There are not many quality Christian comedians out there and I truly value the work that Chonda Peirce is doing. As was the case in her other works I was again impressed by the amount of Spiritual food that she sneaks in to her shows. She is a master at getting a powerful, life changing message across to her audience through both humor and simply sharing. God is doing an amazing work through this woman and I am anxious to see what she has to share with us next. Be sure you get a copy of Have I Got a Story for You! You will love watching this video and will be amazed at how encouraged and uplifted you feel upon finishing it. It is simply a feel good movie that you are bound to enjoy.


About Trisha Smith 821 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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