Interview with DJ Christina Mulroy

Station: WJTL 90.3

By: Kelvin Oliver

T4JYM: How long have you been a Christian?

CM: For as long as I can remember.

T4JYM: Can you share a short testimony with our readers?

CM: I grew up in the church but it wasn’t a “religious’ thing. My parents taught me about this relationship I could have with a savior who loved me so much he died for me. As a child I would talk to Jesus as if he were my best friend. Tell my friends about Jesus. In high school I started hanging with some bad people and wondering what else there was. Asking myself, “Could partying be fun” Finally God told me to make a decision… him or the world. I choose him. I don’t have a testimony of me turning from drugs or crime… but my testimony is simply this ‘Throughout everything I’ve seen, everything I’ve heard, all my hurts (and I have my fair share), tears, pains, there is one thing that has proven to be true, faithful, and just. Jesus. If I hold to that, Any trial will be something I will someday be able to testify about.’

T4JYM: What is your role with FM 90.3 WJTL?

CM: For now I am a part-time DJ. I’d love to work more if it ever became available. I work most Saturday mornings. Us part-timers do live-remotes and sometimes create sponsor announcements.

T4JYM: If you could meet any one person, past, present or future, who would you meet?

CM: I’d love to say someone profound like George Washington or something, but to be honest I would love to meet Doris Day.

T4JYM: Why would you choose that person?

CM: She is a classic movie star, never comprising her integrity or morals, especially when sex started becoming more acceptable on TV. She didn’t give in. PLus she has and incredible voice. What would you ask them?

T4JYM: If you could ask Jesus any one question, what would you ask and why?

CM: Why pick one… I can ask him dozens everyday!

T4JYM: What do you like about being with the radio station?

CM: I’ve always liked to talk so that’s one reason I like it. Its exciting and challenging. You have to be creative and show your personality only by talking. I’m still new at it all so part of the excitement still comes from “wow… I’m on the radio.”

T4JYM: What advice would you give to the readers who want to have a job like you?

CM: Just go out there find a contact and drive them crazy! No, seriously, get an internship and when they ask you to file and get mail together do it, but also keep asking about the position you would like someday. Don’t just sit back and follow instructions. Be pro-active. FInd someone in your desired position and make friends. Learn all you can. Shadow them. The best way to learn is from those who already know how to do what it is you want to do.

T4JYM: Who are some of the actors/actresses you like? What is it about them that you appeals to you?

CM: As previously mentioned Doris Day. She is timeless and classy. Julia Roberts, George Clooney and Tom Hanks on film because their talented and funny and can play all sorts of roles. However their moral positions in interviews and political views I don’t agree with.

T4JYM: What is the last movie you saw?

CM: Elf.

T4JYM: When and how did you accept Christ into your heart?

CM: I could have been as young as 3. As soon as I could understand what it was I did it. I don’t really remember.

T4JYM: What are some of the films/movies you have been in? What are your thoughts on them?

CM: Never been in a movie other then college tv and the annual christmas film (kinda like a clean saturday night live) we make every year.

T4JYM: Are you involved in your own home church? What role do you have there?

CM: My husband and I are on the worship team, in choir, part of supper club, and I am involved a bit with the girls youth.

T4JYM: Where do you see yourself in five years, if you aren’t still with 90.3 WJTL?

CM: Hopefully I’ll have a kid or two by then, Lord willing. There’s still a small chance we might move to another area. I just want to be where God wants me. If not with WJTL I want to be serving him some where. I also have a full-time job as a Marketing Coordinator which pays great but when I start having kids I don’t want to work there anymore.

T4JYM: Do you ever worry about getting caught up in the world of show biz?

CM: Not really.

T4JYM: Are you involved in any other ministries?

CM: Creation, but that’s a part WJTL kind of.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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