Club Activities

Need some ideas to keep you club meetings fun and exciting? Check out some of these ideas.

Trivia – You can write your own trivia questions or use the questions from a Bible trivia game. There are different ways you can use trivia. You can have teams where they compete against one another or individual trivia. You will find it is a lot of fun as well as informational. Keep in mind shouting out answers can become a very LOUD activity. It would be a fun one to do outside, making the passerbys wonder what is going on.

Bible Hangman – Using the familiar hangman game choose words from Bible passages or short phrases. Let teams work against teams or individuals against individuals. Individuals or teams choose a letter and try to solve the puzzle. If they get the letter right put it into the puzzle. If not, drraw the next body part and let the next person/team go. You can add a little more to it, varying things, such as having them try to find the word in the Bible (put references up before beginning and give time to look up the verse). Or use a reference for the word they are solving then see if they know what the verse is by memory, etc.

Reference Races – Put people in teams depending on how many Bibles you have. Tell them a verse to look up. See which team can come up with the verse first. Give points based on results. Switch so that the next player can go.

Memorization Races – Use paddles or buzzers (papers work too) to have them hold up if they knwo the verse you give them. Call on the first person who puts up their paddle/paper/buzzer. Record winner and have next team member step forward to take the paper/paddle/buzzer. It may be a good idea to have the club take home the verses the week before to memorize.

Bible Charades – Draft a list of possilbe characters or known Bible events. Put them on slips of paper in a cup. Let individuals draw a paper and act it out for their team. The team guesses what the word or phrase is. Record winners. Can be played team against team or individually. Winners are usually the next person to draw a slip and act next.

Bible Pictionary – Draft a list of possible character or events. Put them on slips of paper to draw from. Have one student from a team select a slip. GIve them one minute to draw the picture from the slip while the team tries to guess. At the end of the minute if the team cannot guess the answer let the other team guess. Reverse teams. Keep track of team points.

Studies – There are numerous ways of conducting studies. You can assign different people to lead and let them prepare. You can use specific books where you all go through a specific study format. There are a lot of great studies available on different topics. You can set a topic and let people bring in verses and notes they found. This requires making sure participants know the topic for the following meeting before leaving so that they can prepare. You can take studies from online sites (such as this) and share them.

Testimonies – Have different people share their testimony each tirme (or occassionally). Let people learn how to share their personal stories. There is no more powerful stories. This is a great activity to have and invite lots of people to for outreach.

Music Fest – Invite people to bring their favorite song to the club meeting. Be sure to invite non-Christians as outreach so they can hear that Christian music is not churchy gospel stuff, but similar to their own music. Have people share WHY they like the music they brought.

Jokes/Humor – Invite people to share clean jokes/humorous stories with the group. Bible jokes are fun to share. Check out this site’s Bible jokes and activities that are available for your group to use.

Potluck Parties – Food always brings in the crowd. Invite people to come and eat. Use this as an opportunity to socialize with people in an outreach effort. Maybe have people share some words of wisdom, pray over the food, etc. to let non-Christians know itis a non-threatening group they can join.

Prayer Fair – Set up a prayer fair. Invite people to come and share their requests and get prayer from your group. This is a great avtivity for outreach and can be made into a public service project as well.

Be creative – There are tons of things you can do to make your club fun and exciting. Just use your imagination. If you do come up with something why not share it with us to put up on the site?

About Trisha Smith 1170 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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