Start A Christian Club On Your Campus

I don’t know where to start. What do I do first?

  • Discuss – Why have a Christian club? 
  • Pray – Ask God to open doors for a successful club.
  • Research

A. Survey the current situation at your school:

  • Is your school government funded?
  • Are there any non-curriculum clubs meeting in your school?
  • What clubs?
  • How are they allowed to promote themselves?
  • When, where, and how long do they meet?

B. Make a list of:

  •  Students who are in favor of a Christian club on campus.
  • Students who would actually attend the club.
  • The times these students are available to meet.

C. Go to your school office and ask what the procedure is for starting a school club. You may be given the following documents:

  •  School club constitutions or charters. 
  • District policy papers on student clubs and student rights. 
  • School application papers.

Okay, I did all that. NOW what?

Go over all your “to do’s” as a result of your research. Use this checklist as a guide. Note: You may not have to do all of these.

Become familiar with the Equal Access Act.

See the Equal Access Act and familiarize yourself with it.

Prepare a club proposal.

  • Define the current situation in your school.
  • State the advantages for having a Christian club on campus.
  • State how you plan to start a Christian club on campus.

Prepare a club constitution.

  •  Purpose of the club
  • Membership Definition
    • Election of Officers
    • How often? 
    • How many? 
    • What types?
  • Expectations of Members
  • Meetings
    • Length? 
    • When?
    • How often?
  • Dues/Offering?
  • Order of Business
  • Committees
  • Amendments

Pick a club name.

Ask ten adults to pray for you as you begin to plan your club.

Fill out club application papers.

Present your proposal to:

  • Your Principal
    • Make an appointment and be on time.
    • Be polite; but not apologetic. 
    • Be well versed on your rights and bring them up if necessary. 
    • Ask “when and where,” not “may we.”
  • Your School Board (if needed)

Plan your first meeting.

Begin to promote the club and recruit students.

Hold your first meeting.

Get your club leaders together and evaluate the first meeting.

Be open to suggestions and ideas from other students.

Watch your club grow!

***Teens4Jesus would like to thank Youth For Christ/USA for permission to adapt this article for your information. ***

About Trisha Smith 822 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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