Interview with Author Darleen Beard

By Kelvin Oliver

T4JYM: How much editing is involved when writing one of your books? Do you edit it all alone or do you send it to people to help edit?

DB: I do my own initial editing of all my books. I also have a wonderful critique group, which is a group of writer friends, who meet with me and we critique (or edit) each other’s work. They are of great help to me. Also, my editor does a lot of editing, too, once I deliver the first draft. She and I will edit together over the phone or she’ll email me all the changes she wants and I’ll work on those changes.

T4JYM: How many times do you have to edit your works? Were they ever rejected by publishers?

DB: I edit so much that I’m blue in the face! I edit so much that I can’t stand the book any longer and can’t wait to get it out of my hands and into my editor’s hands….oh yes, my books have been and are still rejected by publishers. I have written a lot of books but have only sold six.

T4JYM: Who have been your biggest influences in life? Who have been your biggest influences in your life as a writer?

DB: I’d have to say my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Jacquie Shickling, was my first and biggest influence in my life. She was the first one who believed in me and encouraged me. She put her arm around me and said, “You know, I think you are a really good writer. If you work hard at this, I think you can be published one day.” I was young enough to believe her.

T4JYM: What are your next plans for writing?

DB: I am currently writing a chapter book that I don’t have a title for yet. It is about an outlaw who was shot in 1911 by a Sheriff’s posse in Oklahoma. Well, this outlaw wasn’t buried until 1977. He was discovered hanging by a noose in a fun house in Los Angeles and everyone there “thought” he was a dummy but really he was a “mummy”.

My book will be told from his point of view–after his death–and tell the interesting story of what happened to him after he died. It’s a fun book to write and I’m having a ball writing from a dead-outlaw-turned-mummy’s point of view.

T4JYM: What is your latest book and when will it be out?

DB: My latest book is called Operation Clean Sweep and it is based on a true event which took place in the tiny town of Umatilla, Oregon.

It focuses on a boy character whose father is the mayor and he learns that his mother is running against his father for the mayor position.

He’s torn between his parents and must deal with his ideas of what women can and can’t do back in 1916…it will be released September, 2004, and can be purchased through my web site, Amazon, or most local bookstores.

T4JYM: That leads us to your next question, what is your web site address?


T4JYM: Have you written any other books? Do you have any ideas for books you would like to write?

DB: Yes, I have several titles: Twister; The Flimflam Man; The Babbs Switch Story. They are all based on true events but fictionalized.

T4JYM: Who were the biggest influences in your life generally speaking, and who were the biggest influences since you decided to write?

DB: Influences? Hmm. I’d have to say that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ has been the most positive and life-guiding influence that I have. I try my best to live the way Christ would have me to live and to be a good role model for the students that I speak to on a regular basis. I believe that Jesus Christ would have us to use our talents in the best possible way and that he gives us these talents and that we have the ability to change the world if we only listen to his voice and his direction.

I may notbe “changing” the world, but I’m definitely making a difference.

My message to all teenagers in all the schools that I speak to is simply this: you have the power to make your dreams come true. Don’t listen to anyone who is telling you that you’re not good enough, or smart enough, or that you don’t have enough money for college to pursue your dream— you can make it happen if you believe in yourself. Don’t ever give up. I haven’t and now I’m a published author, fulfilling the dream I’ve had since I was only in 5th grade!

T4JYM: How do you find time to write? Life is busy and time management is hard to do sometimes. When do you do your best writing and where?

DB: I do my best writing at night when my kids are asleep and there are no phones ringing or doorbells ringing or people coming and going.

Sometimes I find myself writing until the wee hours of the morning. I also write when my kids are in school.

T4JYM: Do you do any school presentations?

DB: Yes, I love speaking in schools and meeting my readers. I visit schools all across the U.S. Tell your teachers about my books and my web site and perhaps they’ll invite me to speak in your school!

About Trisha Smith 1159 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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