Book Review: The Super Short, Amazing Story of David & Goliath

Title: The Super Short, Amazing Story of David & Goliath
Authors: Scott & Chrysti Burroughs
Illustrator: Scott Burroughs
Publisher: Kregel Kidzone
Date: June 2005
Pages: 32
ISBN: 0825424127
Category: Children’s
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Review by: Trisha Smith


Sometimes I am amazed at how these writers can condense a story for a picture book. And I was again amazed that it was that way with this story. But Scott and Chrysti Burroughs did a great job of putting together an in depth story that entertained and educated, teaching children about David and Goliath without dumbing it down so extremely that the story was lost. I thought the quality of the book was great and the message even better. It was a book that I would more than likely purchase myself for my own family. I loved reading through it and looking at the pictures. The illustrations were different from others I am used to seeing but they were not bad in any way. they gave the book and feel all of its own character, one that set it apart from similar children’s books. I recommend this book for anyone looking to build up a library of solid, biblically based picture books with a positive message. It is purely enjoyable and a great read.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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