1 Corinthians 6:20 You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
Throughout this month we have talked a lot about surrendering our will to Him and being humble before Him. Yesterday we once more talked about what He gave for us – His life – and what we should be willing to surrender in response. Today’s verse has the same message as yesterday.
The verse begins with telling us we were bought at a price. We are not our own any more. Once we accept His sacrifice for our sins we are purchased by His blood and become His. We are no longer our own. But that is not a bad thing. We still have free will, we still make choices, but we are redeemed, made new, and forgiven. It cost Him everything, though. He willingly laid down His life for you and me. He chose to die knowing that He was saving us. And He would do it again if He had to because that is how much He loves us.
Therefore our response is to honor Him with our bodies. Not just our minds or our wills, but our bodies. We choose to surrender our bodies to His will. Salvation was not cheap. It cost Him greatly. So why should we only give a little bit of ourselves in response? We should be grateful for what He did, what He gave us. And honoring Him with our bodies is still not enough when compared to His sacrifice, but it is something we can do and therefore is something we SHOULD do.
What does it mean to honor Him with our bodies? This means our actions, behaviors, and choices should be done with one purpose – bringing honor and glory to Him. If what we are doing is not something that brings Him glory, it is not something we should be engaging in.
Think about your day – has everything you have done brought some honor or glory to Him? (No trying to use this as an excuse not to work. You have a job and are expected to show respect to your employers and colleagues, as well as to perform to the best of your ability. Doing so honors God.)
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