Devotion: 1 Timothy 6:15

December 22, 2024

1 Timothy 6:15 … which God will bring about in his own time – God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Today’s verse gives us multiple names/titles. We get to learn about God as Ruler, King of kings, as well as Lord of lords.

The word that is translated as “Ruler” is translated as “Sovereign” in other versions. It has the same root as a word for power in the Greek language Paul spoke. It is not a term that we see used often in the New Testament. Perhaps the reason for the infrequent use is due to the fact that we typically see these words describing or attributed to Jesus. But in this case they are referring to the Father.

He is not only the blessed and only Ruler, but He is King of kings. Notice He is King, with a capital K (a proper noun) over all other kings (little k). Every king in this world is subject to Him and under His auth. He alone is the master King, the top of the hierarchy, the One to which all others submit.

When we move to the next name or title, we see the Greek word “kurieuo” which translates as lords. The definition means to rule over or hold dominion over. Similar to how King of kings was used, we see Lord of lords. But the way that it is used in this passage is more than just a name or a title. It is a call to action. We choose to submit ourselves to Him, to live under His rule. We take action when we seek Him first and strive to live holy lives that are pleasing to Him.

Regardless of the title or name we know our God is majestic and powerful, worthy to be praised and beyond description. Take some time today to submit yourself to Him in humble adoration.


About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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