Devotion: Acts 15:3

January 17, 2025

Acts 15:3 The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they told how the Gentiles had been converted. This news made all the believers very glad.

The book of Acts chronicles the spread of the Gospel and the formation of the early church. In the chapter prior to today’s verse, the first major council of the early church took place, known as the Council of Jerusalem. In that Council it was determined that Gentiles did not need to adhere to Jewish laws, including circumcision, to be saved. This decision opened up the door for the Gentiles to be included in the Christian faith separate from Jewish proselytizing.

That said, we now see that the church sent Paul and Barnabas to spread the news of this decision and to share the Gospel and establish churches amongst the Gentile nations. Many of the Christians in the areas these men of faith visited had previously been persecuted by Paul himself and had fled to Gentile lands like Samaria and Pheonicia. As they traveled through the areas they shared the news of the converts. And the response was pure joy at how many lives were being touched and changed by the Gospel.

The spread of the Gospel and the response to it by nonbelievers who are saved is always cause for joy. As believers we share in this joy anytime a life is saved and we celebrate their salvation alongside them as we welcome them into the family of God. It is exciting to hear news of those who are sent out to share, to see God working in lives everywhere, and to know it is bearing fruit.

Not all of us are called to go forth and be missionaries in other areas. But we are all called to share our faith. Sometimes we are the only Jesus the world around us sees. Our lives, our actions, our words all speak volumes to those we encounter each day.

What are people seeing in YOU? Are they seeing Jesus in you? Think on that today as you go about your routines and day-to-day living.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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