Daniel 10:19 “Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.” When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.”
In today’s verse, we see words spoken by an angel to Daniel. These words were meant to strengthen him and prepare him for the prophecy he would be given. It must have been quite the experience to have an angel appear to you and speak words of encouragement. He had been given a vision of intense conflict that sent him into a tailspin of emotions. But the angel spoke words of encouragement to him and helped him to find strength to endure further prophetic explanations he was about to receive.
Where do you go for strength when you are feeling overwhelmed? The Lord is our best source of reassurance and should be the first place we turn when life begins to tear us down. In times of anxiety turn to the Lord and let Him fill you with strength and boldness. Let Him be the strength you need.
Verses like this one from Daniel may seem to have no application to our lives, but all Scripture is God-breathed and relevant (2 Timothy 3:16). And this verse shows us that we will face anxiety and discouragement. But it also shows us how God encourages us. He uses many different ways to encourage us and fill us with His strength. In Daniel’s case it was an angel. But for us it may be something different – perhaps a word spoken by a friend, a passage in your daily Bible reading, or devotions like this. He is faithful. He will give you encouragement. But you have to be open to hearing it.
Today I speak peace to you, friend. Peace and strength. Let the Lord fill you with His peace, His joy, His confidence and strength. I pray your hearts will be ready to be filled.
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