Hebrews 10:34 You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.
We don’t generally think of suffering or having all of our things confiscated as being a joyful experience. But that is exactly what happened to early believers. Persecution was common, and sadly, expected. Jesus warned us that life would not be easy and we’d be hated for our belief in Him.
So how is it possible to find joy in experiencing suffering and having our possessions, our “stuff” confiscated?
It is only possible through Him. We find our joy in Him, in the blessings He gives us, in having Him be our strength, our support. The Holy Spirit within us gives us hope, strength, and joy. And as we learned yesterday, it is through Him that our joy is complete and overflowing.
Stuff is just that – stuff. Possessions. Temporary things that we can’t take with us. Things can be taken away. Hope and faith cannot. Joy cannot. Those are things we experience, we live. And they are gifts from God, given freely to those who seek Him and believe. We trust in the promises we have from Him and have faith in receiving it. We know that a better, a more glorious possession is in our future and nothing compares to it, especially not temporary earthly possessions. We have a future with the King, with our Savior, and it will last forever!
Yes, stuff is nice. Possessions make life more comfortable for us. But they are temporary and we have a great thing coming to us at a later time. Celebrate that future. Find joy in knowing what is yet to come.
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