Devotion: Hebrews 11:1

November 30, 2024

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

We conclude this month’s devotions on the topic of hope with a verse that is often quoted by believers and defines faith, itself. The verse, though quoted frequently, should not be taken out of context and read alone. It connects the previous chapter with what is being introduced in the remaining chapters, laying the foundation for further claims we read later in the book. Take some time now to read the last few verses in Hebrews 10 and then continue with today’s verse and a few verses after.

Hebrews chapter 11 goes on to chronicle the greats of faith from the Bible. These individuals had trusting faith in God and His promises. Their hope was in Him and what He said He would do. They serve as examples of what our faith should be. We should exercise the same level of faith as these greats, with confidence in what we hope for – belief in what He promises – and assurance of what we do not yet see. God always makes good on His promises to us and we have story after story in the Bible that show us that we CAN have confidence in Him and place our hope in His promises, resting assured that it will come to pass because He was faithful in the past and will forever remain faithful.

As we said before, faith and hope usually come hand in hand in these verses. Because we know they come hand in hand, we know that the stronger our hope is in the Lord, the stronger our faith is. The more we hope in what He has promised, the more we will have faith in Him to deliver. Without faith, we lose hope and lack the confidence that God is going to do what He has promised.

I pray that YOUR faith is confident and solid, trusting in Him and His unfailing love and promises. Your hope depends upon your faith and the more you have of one, the more you will have of the other. Let’s end this month on this final hope – faith filled and faith dependent – knowing that our hope should ever be in Him and His eternal love.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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