saiah 41:13 For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Today we dive into the book of Isaiah to explore verse 41:13. The author of this verse is not the prophet Isaiah himself, but an anonymous author who wrote in the same style and maintained the tone of the book. Today’s verse is an important reminder – it is God speaking directly to us, encouraging us, making us bold.
We begin with God declaring Himself to us. He tells us “I am the Lord your God” and we recognize Him as the Ruler of our hearts. There is no disputing this. He is God and He is great.
God takes hold of our right hand. But why the right hand? This is a symbolic representation of power. The right hand is historically known as the hand of strength, the hand of sovereignty, and the hand of friendship. Our God takes hold of our right hand as a parent would reach for a child’s hand and He promises us that we have nothing to fear because we have Him with us to help guide us and work through us.
Before we conclude today’s devotion, let’s take a look at this verse in The Message translation. “Because I your God, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go. I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic, I’m right here to help you.’” Though simple in its translation, it is enlightening.
Don’t panic, my friends. God is here to help us. He has a firm grip on us and will not let go. He loves us. He cares about us. He gives us strength so that we can be bold in taking a stand.
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