Devotion: Isaiah 43:15

December 28, 2024

Isaiah 43:15 I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator, your king. 

Today’s name is one that we say without really thinking about any more. It is common to hear Him referred to as the Holy One. Holy has become such a common thing that we don’t even pause to think about what exactly that means. And we also see that He is called Israel’s Creator, another name, but not one we see used frequently.

Holy is defined as dedicated or consecrated to God, sacred. It is worthy of complete devotion. The Hebrew word for “holy” literally means “separate” or “set apart” which perfectly defines what it means when we say God is the Holy One. He is different from all others, set apart and exalted or sacred. He is pure, unstained by sin or defect, the perfect Lamb of God that gave Himself in exchange for our sinful, filthy lives. He is perfectly good in all ways and at all times. We become holy before God through the blood of Christ.

As the Creator of Israel, we see Him as the One who established the nation we read about throughout the Bible, His chosen people. Only four times other than in today’s verse is He referred to as a creator, but in none of those is He specifically called the Creator of Israel. It is only in Isaiah that this name is given. It is true that He did not create these people by hand, the way He created Adam and Eve. But He is the creator of everything and His people created the culture and cities in which they dwelt.  Through Him we have everything, including the people He calls His chosen ones.

Our lives should be holy and set apart as He is holy and set apart. We fall short of being truly holy, but we can turn to Him, our Creator and Holy God, and seek forgiveness. And He sees us as Holy, even when we fall short because we are cleansed by the redeeming blood of Jesus.

About Trisha Smith 1174 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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