James 5:8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.
The day of the Lord’s coming is unknown and since He ascended believers have been looking forward to the day He returns. The only thing we know is it is unknown, and will come like a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10).
In the meantime, we are to be patient and stand firm, both of which are easier said than done. Like children eagerly awaiting a birthday party or Christmas, we struggle to be patient and wait for what is to come. But that is just what we are told to do.
The good thing about this period of waiting in which we find ourselves is the confidence we can have. We know without a doubt that He WILL be returning and we WILL be with Him for all eternity. Because we have these assurances we can stand firm in all we do. We have His word that He will be back and we can stand strong regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves.
Today let’s stand firm in our faith and push forward in our lives, not straying from the path He has laid out for us. We have no reason to waver because He is our strength in weakness. We may not have control over circumstances in our lives but we have control over our attitudes towards them. So stand firm, friends, and wait patiently alongside your fellow brothers and sisters.
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