Devotion: John 15:1

December 1, 2024

John 15:1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”

We begin our month of the names of God by looking at Jesus, the true vine from which we receive everlasting life. There is no better place to begin this series than with life.

It is important that we consider the nature of a vine and what it does. From the vine we see branches coming out that then fill out with leaves and fruit. We see life unfolding, spreading, growing. The vine is the life giving source from which everything else stems.

As believers, we are no different. It is that Vine, Christ, from which our lives are sustained. It is from Him that we are filled, from which we grow into the men and women we are meant to be. It is through constant connection that we flourish and grow.

But what happens when we lose that direct line to our Source? What happens to our spiritual growth? What happens when we start skipping church or small groups?

Think about what happens to the branches that get cut off a vine. They wither, wilt, and die. They can’t grow any further once removed. They no longer receive the sustenance to maintain life.

We also see God the Father is the gardener. The gardener tends the garden, pruning, trimming, cutting off the dead or dying, and sometimes removing some of the healthy portions and branches that will eventually hinder the growth of the entire plant. The process of pruning is never pleasant, but is vital for long term growth.

We are no different. There may be fruit in our lives that need to be removed in order for us to grow, and the process of stepping back can hurt. But the pain is temporary. And restoration is powerful.

This month I invite you to get to know our true Vine and Gardener more intimately. Each day we will explore a new name. Meditate on what each name says about God and His love for you.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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