Devotion: Luke 6:12

October 3, 2024


Luke 6:12 – One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 

If ever there was someone to model our prayer life after, it’s Jesus. He gave us so many great examples of how to pray (Matthew 6:9-13), when to pray, when to drop everything and fix relationships first before praying, and more. But not only did He teach us about prayer, He lived it. He modeled it for us continuously. If you want to grow in your prayer life, look to Jesus!

This verse amazes me. He went out to a mountain and He prayed all night long. All night! I am not sure about you, but my longest prayer session would have to be one of the times I had great need so I spent almost 45 minutes praying. But even that felt like all I was doing was begging God over and over instead of saying anything new or relevant. I can’t begin to imagine what a whole night would be like! (Plus, I’m an 8 hour a night gal and melt down without my sleep.) That He spent all night praying is just mind blowing to me.

The other thing that stood out from this passage was where He prayed. He went to a mountainside. He could have prayed anywhere, but He chose to walk away from everything and step into nature, meeting God on the mountain. This is not the first time He removed Himself to nature (Luke 4:42).  He temporarily left the hustle and bustle of His travel companions and city life and escaped to be alone with God. He removed Himself from the distractions (Matthew 14:23, Luke 9:28) and focused on God and talking with Him.

If you do not have a special place to withdraw to and pray, try it and see what a difference it makes. Some have a prayer closet, some have prayer rooms (war rooms are big currently). My mentor has a prayer corner. For a while I prayed at the kitchen table instead of at my desk or in bed before getting up for the day, but now I have found joy in prayer walking. I go for my morning walk and just talk to God as I go.

Regardless of WHERE you pray, just do it. Pray. Pour yourself out before God and spend time with Him one-on-one.


About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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