Devotion: Mark1:11

December 15, 2024

Mark 1:11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” 

Today we look at another name that we see all the time and take for granted – Son.

Let’s simplify things a bit. A son is a male descendent or child, whether naturally born or adopted. They hold legal rights and position as an heir. In royalty, the next king or queen had to be of the same family and bloodline. In Hebrew the word for son is “ben,” while in Aramaic it is “bar.” You have probably heard of the classic movie Ben Hur. He was the son of Hur. In Matthew 16:17 we see the reference Simon bar-Jonah, meaning Simon the son of Jonah. A Jewish boy has a bar mitzvah, a coming of age ceremony. This is directly translated as “son of the commandments.”  In Greek, the word used for son is huios. These are all ways to show that someone is a son of someone else.

In Mark 1:11 we see Jesus being recognized as the Son of God. The heavens opened and the Spirit descended like a dove and God proclaimed Jesus as His Son. The voice from heaven confirmed for all mankind that Jesus was the Son of God. This fulfills numerous prophecies and foretellings from Scripture. God declared His love for His Son, too. He loved and approved of Him and like any doting parent, was proud and wanted others to know.

The beauty of God’s plan for redemption is that we, unworthy and sinful as we are, have all been adopted into the family. We are all sons and daughters of the King. Through Christ we have been restored, renewed, made new. And we are approved of by God. We are His heirs with Christ.

Take some time today to thank God for adopting you into His family. Thank Him for making you His son or daughter. Be grateful for the inheritance we have yet to see and praise Him for what we have been given and will yet receive.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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