Mark 5:36 Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
Before we get into today’s verse take a moment to read what it was that Jesus heard them say. Prior to this we have learned that Jairus’s daughter had died. Jesus didn’t make it to her in time to heal her and prevent her death. But this didn’t phase Jesus who told Jairus, “Just believe.”
Such simple words to say, but it often feels impossible to do. And when faced with something as staggering as the death of a loved one, impossible seems the only thing to be done. But Jesus told him to believe.
The Greek word for believe is pisteuo, which is literally translated as “to be persuaded as true.” explains it best, “…faith is a conduit that allows the power of God to act…” It also says, “…their unbelief will keep Jesus from doing the miracles that come so easily in Capernaum.”
Just believe. Where in your life do you need to exercise faith and just believe? We can step out in faith and boldly believe no matter how impossible it may seem because with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26, Mark 9:32). Fear, though it is a human emotion that we experience, is not something that should cripple us.
Just believe.
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