Devotion: Proverbs 13:20

June 15, 2024

Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

People need people. It’s a natural thing for us to surround ourselves with people. And the people you choose to associate with and call friends have influence in your life. Today’s verse tells us that we acquire wisdom from wise people in our lives, the ones we walk with.

The phrase “walk with” is interpreted as living one’s life with. They are the people we are closest to and the people who influence and impact our lives. When you surround yourself with wise people you will grow in wisdom as well. This happens because we learn from the experience and knowledge of our friends. But keep in mind you have to be willing to learn from your friends. It doesn’t happen just because you are with the. You must pay attention and be willing to learn.

This is why it is important that you choose your friends carefully. This proverb includes the negative side of friend choice, too. If you are friends with foolish people you will not experience growth or acquisition of wisdom. Instead you will suffer harm. This harm can come in many ways, both physically and spiritually.

Are you walking with the wise or are you surrounding yourself with fools? We need to remember that the character of our friends shapes who we are spiritually. If you are associated with people who are not living godly lives you may want to evaluate those friendships. Are they worth suffering harm? It may be time to build up a new friend group.


About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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