Devotion: Psalm 16:11

January 23, 2025

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. 

David was known for being a man after God’s heart. We have most of the book of Psalms thanks to him and the praises he sang to God. This verse is just one of many that shows us his heart, and it serves as a great example of Scripture that you can make your own prayers.

In today’s verse we see David thanking God for showing him the path of life – the path that leads a person to heaven or righteous living. Though he did not know what heaven would look like (this was long before we had accounts like that in Revelation 21 and 22), he knew it would be glorious. He knew that he would be filled with inexpressible joy when in His presence and that eternal pleasures would be unending.

What an amazing promise. Once we are in His presence, we will experience joy and pleasures forever, eternally. His presence alone will fill us with that joy. We will never again face sin, sickness, sadness, death, or tears. We will be with all of the believers and our loved ones and will be filled with joy that is beyond description.

And though this is a promise for the future, we can experience joy in His presence here on earth, too. Seek Him. Turn to Him. Enter into His presence wherever you are. It may be in your room, while in the shower, walking to school or work, driving in a car…. Or at church or small groups/youth groups, but seek Him out and experience the joy of His presence filling you and overflowing. Pray for Him to be with you, to be near you, to surround you and to fill you. He is a faithful and responsive God. He wants that relationship with you and you will be filled with joy when He does.

About Trisha Smith 1157 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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