Psalm 3:3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
Today’s verse was written by David at a time in his life when he was facing intense adversity. He was on the run from his own son who had rebelled and was trying to usurp his throne. Despite this, his faith in God is inspiring. Even in times of trouble, he knew that God was there and would protect him. And the same God who was there for David is there for us. Knowing this, we should be able to live a life of boldness and confidence.
As with other psalms, David is very poetic in his word choice. He also uses wording that paints a picture for the hearer (psalms were sung) and reader (all of us who read these words in the Bible). He begins by calling God a shield around him. Shields are for protection, so comparing the protection God gives to that used by a warrior is quite fitting. He was declaring faith in a God who would always protect him. And the same is true for us. We do not have to fight our battles alone. Cry out to God and let Him be your shield, your protection.
He also referred to God as his glory. This may seem strange to us in modern times, but is not something that should confuse us. His meaning was that God was the source of his honor. He knew who he was, secure in his belief that his worth was from God. Our own worth and value should come from God as well. We can have the same faith that He is our glory, just as He was David’s.
He concludes by saying God is the One who lifts his head. And not only does He lift it, but He lifts it high. There is no shame, no circumstance that should leave you broken and lost. He is there to lift your head high, to restore you and give you confidence.
Knowing all of this, you can walk in confidence. We have a God who loves us, cares for us, protects us. The shackles of shame have been removed. You are free to walk in faith, trusting the God of David who was a shield around him to be the same for you. Forgive yourself, seek His aide, and be bold in your beliefs.
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