Devotion: Psalm 95:1

January 5, 2025

Psalm 95:1 Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

Today’s verse is an invitation of praise and worship for the Lord. It is a call to worship and is often used as such in churches. Today let it be an invitation or call to you. Come and praise His holy name.

The author of this Psalm is unknown, but it is attributed to David. Verses 7-11 of Psalm 95 are quoted in Hebrews.

It begins with the invitation of “come.” Come and sing for joy. Our songs should be joyful and full of praise. Come and sing in response to the joy you feel. When we come to sing for joy we are worshipping Him and acknowledging the source of our joy.

The verse next invites you to come and shout aloud. Our shout should be one of joy and triumph. We shout in jubilation. But it is more than just making noise. It is purposeful and praiseworthy because we are shouting in jubilation to the Rock of our salvation. This evokes a deep feeling of trust and security. We shout to our Rock, our strong tower and fortress (Psalm 62:6).

Having been written in the Old Testament, long before Jesus became our spiritual salvation, salvation referred to the physical. The times Rock of Salvation was used or when salvation was mentioned it was in regard to being saved from something in the world they lived in. For example, Hannah rejoiced in salvation after God saved her from barrenness (1 Samuel 2:1-2). But for modern day Christians, Rock of Salvation is so much more than physical, because we see our Rock as Jesus. We have been saved from the spiritual death that separates us eternally from God.

So today I invite you to sing for joy and shout to the Lord our Rock of Salvation for He is a mighty, grace giving God that is worthy of all of our praise and worship and more.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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