Devotion: Psalms 56:3

August 17, 2024

Psalms 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

If anyone had reason to be stressed out and filled with anxiety, it would be David. When reading his story, it is hard not to believe he spent more time running from and hiding from enemies than anything else. His life was full of troubles. He had a jealous king with an angry spirit constantly chasing him and trying to kill him. He brings about his own trouble with his adulterous act with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband and his family suffers the consequences. His own son rapes a half-sister (2 Samuel 13), one of his son’s kills another, his son Absalom tries to steal the throne which forces David into hiding once more and the final outcome of the situation resulting in death (Absalom’s death is in 2 Samuel chapter 18), his son Adonijah tries to take his throne (2 Kings 1)… Trouble at every turn.

Yet despite all of this, David was considered a man after God’s heart because he did not turn his back on Him. His psalms show him crying out to God, pleading for God to intervene, to protect him. They show his repentance when he knows he has done wrong.

Rather than curling up and crying, David sought God. It did not matter how afraid he was, how stressed out, how high his anxiety levels, he sought God and placed his trust in God alone. He didn’t try to fix things himself. He turned to God and trusted Him to guide him to resolution.

We can find hope in the psalms and the words of David. We can draw inspiration from the choices he made when he faced trials and woes. David modeled how we should respond when faced with trials and tribulations, stress and anxiety.

Are you looking at your own problems and how big they seem? Remember, our God is bigger than all of those problems combined. Trust Him to carry you through. You will find that not only are your anxieties lessened, but your faith increased.

About Trisha Smith 1194 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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