Devotion: Psalms 91:7

July 12, 2024

Psalms 91:7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it  will not come near you.

What awe inspiring imagery this verse is, right? A thousand falling on one side, ten thousand more falling to our right. Yet we stand strong and safe in the middle. It can’t get any more encouraging and inspiring than that, can it?

Guess what? It can! This verse is impressive as is when it is read as a stand alone Scripture. But take a few minutes to read through all of Psalm 91. It isn’t long so will only take a minute or two. It is rich with imagery which may be hard for some to interpret. Read it again and see what the Holy Spirit reveals to you.

In verse one we see that any who dwell in the shelter of the Most High rest in His shadow. Verse two shows us the Lord is our refuge, the One we put our trust in. And it goes on promising us there is nothing to fear because He is our everything – our strength, our refuge, our savior, our protector. And the list goes on!

This world is not our home. It is a temporary refuge with our home being in heaven.   And while it may not be the easiest living, we have the promise that He is there and we have nothing to fear. Our enemies fall all around us because He commands His angels to guard us and hold us (Psalm 91:11). We are told in verse 13 we will tread on and trample the things opposing us (Psalm 91:13). So why are you afraid?

Take comfort in the promises of this Psalm. Celebrate the fact that He is faithful and we can trust Him. We have the assurance that these evils will not touch us as long as we are seeking Him. It is easy to get overwhelmed, but take heart, friends. We have already overcome! We have overcome through Him who conquered death, who loves us and doesn’t want a single one of us to perish so commands the angels to protect us.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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