Devotion: Romans 12:13-14

June 23, 2024

Romans 12:13-14 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

Yesterday we learned how praying for our enemies, doing good, and treating them how we want to be treated can change our enemies into allies and possibly even friends. Today’s selection continues in that line of thinking. Paul tells us to share with those in need, to be hospitable, and to bless others.

The first part teaches us that we are to share with our fellow believers. We are to help meet the needs of other Christians. We don’t just give monetarily or physically, but emotionally and spiritually, too. We enter into fellowship with them, becoming friends and partners in the church family.

Paul then tells us to practice hospitality. This refers to providing for strangers and meeting their needs. We show them kindness. They see Jesus in us, in how we treat them, and feel blessed by our actions and attitudes.

The next part talks about those blessings and our response. We are to bless those who persecute us and are not to curse them. This can be hard at first because we are human and when someone harms us our natural response is not to bless them. We want justice for being mistreated. But we are not called to seek justice but rather to love. We don’t wait for them to apologize or begin showing love towards us. We choose to love them first.

The Greek word that is translated as “bless” is a combination of what means “good” or “well” and “words.” Basically, we are being told to speak well of, praise, or give thanks to those who persecute or hurt us. We don’t have this response naturally. It is a conscious effort we must make to show love to those who have mistreated us.

Who can you bless today? Look for ways you can help your friends, practice hospitality towards strangers, and bless those who wrong you. Ask God to use you and to let His love be manifested in you and poured out to others.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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