Devotion: Romans 8:7

February 23 2025

Romans 8:7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.

When first reading this verse, one would assume it is referring only to the unbelievers. But there is much we can learn from this verse , even as believers who follow Jesus.

Let’s start with the mind. The first part of the verse speaks of the mind governed by flesh. This is referring to the carnal or worldly mind, not a Christ centered one. A carnal mind is one that is self-centered and focused on the flesh (world) rather than on God. This term is generally applied to nonbelievers. But just because this is the typical application, that doesn’t mean that believers are immune to carnal thinking. Examples of carnal thinking include jealousy, complaining, self glorifying ambition or trying to “get ahead” or to make a name for themselves, acting out according to fear, sadness, or anger, etc. You can see how some of these may be easy to slip into and find ourselves engaging in, even if just temporarily.

The second part of the verse tells us why this type of thinking is bad. It shows us that carnal mindedness is hostility towards God. Paul explains that it does not submit to God’s law, and worse, it cannot. Whether this is in reference to Mosaic Law or simply God’s commands is irrelevant because we know it is wrong regardless. We should be aware of any carnal minded thinking or behavior and we should be submitting to God and repenting.

Our minds should not be governed by the flesh. They should be humble and surrendered to God. When we realize we are engaging in fleshly thinking we need to take those thoughts captive and give them to God (2 Corinthians 10:5). We confess those sins, stop engaging in them, and turn to God instead. We need to be in His Word daily, surround ourselves with other believers, and submit ourselves to His will.

Make today be the day you stop indulging in fleshly thinking and surrender your thoughts to Him.

About Trisha Smith 1192 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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